Contemporaneity of Janine Puget’s thought

Journal title GRUPPI
Author/s Silvia Corbella
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2020/2
Language Italian Pages 7 P. 171-177 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/gruoa2-2020oa12589
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The author emphasizes the contemporaneity of Janine Puget which allows the present to become experience and pass from powerlessness to being actors and witnesses of our time, and the enhancement of the unexpected and differences. In this pandemic situation, Puget’s critical attention on how to give information and her attention to the constant relationship between the external and internal world which implies accepting uncertainty in our daily lives are of particular value.

Keywords: ; Contemporaneity; Unexpected; Differences; Conflict; Uncertainty

  1. Agamben G. (2008). Che cos’è il contemporaneo? Roma: Nottetempo.
  2. Puget J. (1997). L’etica dello psicoanalista, l’etica della psicoanalisi. Congresso Internazionale “Etica dell’istituzione”, Milano, 18/19 ottobre.
  3. Puget J. (2015). Come pensare la soggettività sociale oggi? Interazioni, 2: 59-71. DOI: 10.3280/INT2015-002005.
  4. Puget J. (2020). I percorsi dell’incerto… profanare creativo… de-soggettivante. “Avancées en psychanalyse de couple et de famille, dans le monde contemporain”, IX Congrès international AIPCF, 21-25 ottobre.

Silvia Corbella, Contemporaneità del pensiero di Janine Puget in "GRUPPI" 2/2020, pp 171-177, DOI: 10.3280/gruoa2-2020oa12589