From the worker’s risk profile to the person’s risk profile: a method for the promotion of health

Journal title PNEI REVIEW
Author/s Maria Rita Acone
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/2
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 78-97 File size 271 KB
DOI 10.3280/PNEI2021-002007
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The Author proposes a different organization of the territorial health with a greater focus on prevention through a periodic evaluation of people’s psycho-physical state of health. This organization takes inspiration from two disciplines, occupational medicine and psychoneuroendocrineimmunology, extrapolating, from the first one, the method regarding the assessment of physical, chemical, biological and psychological risks and the patient’s monitoring modalities, whereas, from the second one, the scientific basis for a holistic view of the individual, which takes into account the interactions between the organism’s systems and between a person and the physical and social environment. The proposal is expressed in a risk assessment document, realized through the methods used in the field of the job security and in a health medical record elaborated on the basis of the Pnei principles and, therefore, characterized by a specific anamnesis to define the psycho-socio-cultural profile of the patients and their relations with the physical and social environment in which they live. Lastly, the Author hopes that the necessary systematic collection of digital data will be realized with the Electronic Health Record, which has been already used in Italy even if in an inhomogeneous way among the regions.

Keywords: Environmental risks, Health medical record, Prevention, Health organization, Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology, Digital health.

Maria Rita Acone, Dal profilo di rischio del lavoratore al profilo di rischio della persona: un metodo per la promozione della salute in "PNEI REVIEW" 2/2021, pp 78-97, DOI: 10.3280/PNEI2021-002007