Climate crisis counter-narratives. Diaries of climate injustice between Dakar and Saint Louis, Senegal

Author/s Elena Giacomelli, Sarah Walker
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2022/64
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 121-140 File size 404 KB
DOI 10.3280/SC2022-064007
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Drawing upon visual perceptions and lived experiences of the climate crisis in two climate-vulnerable locations in Senegal, our aim in this paper is to interrogate narratives of the climate crisis as "natural". Empirical data is drawn from qualitative research conducted in Dakar and Saint Louis, including a one-month climate diary, capturing individual perceptions of climate change and mobility via photos and text, enhanced by information from focus groups and in-depth interviews. In this way, we reveal both the unequal impact of injustices upon local people and how qualitative research methods can capture counter-narratives and contribute to diverse knowledge production around the climate crisis.

Keywords: Mobility Justice, Climate Crisis, Senegal, Climate Diaries, Mobility, Visual Methods

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  • Encountering mobility (in)justice through the lived experiences of fishing communities in Dakar and Saint Louis, Senegal Sarah Walker, Elena Giacomelli, in Mobilities /2024 pp.1
    DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2024.2334705

Elena Giacomelli, Sarah Walker, Contronarrazioni del cambiamento climatico. Diari di ingiustizia climatica tra Dakar e Saint Louis, Senegal in "SOCIOLOGIA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE " 64/2022, pp 121-140, DOI: 10.3280/SC2022-064007