Social clinic: Experience at a reception center for migrants. Reflections and emotions between light and shadow

Journal title GRUPPI
Author/s Michelangelo Grenci
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2020/1
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 155-169 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/gruoa1-2020oa10491
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The author describes his clinical experience in an Extraordinary Reception Center (CAS) for migrants, highlighting the organizational context and the relationship with the institutions. Starting from the migration theme, the clinical-psychological activities are described in connection with the complex forms and group levels operating, explicitly and implicitly, in the service. Finally, the constructs of “uncanny” and “relational perversion” are identified as useful for promoting a reflective reinterpretation of experience.

Keywords: Migrants, Ethnopsychiatry, Third sector, Perversion, Uncanny

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Michelangelo Grenci , Clinica nel sociale: l’esperienza presso un centro di accoglienza per migranti. Riflessioni ed emozioni fra luci e ombre in "GRUPPI" 1/2020, pp 155-169, DOI: 10.3280/gruoa1-2020oa10491