Riflessioni e consigli utili sul marketing b2b del turismo dal brasile

Author/s Luca Martucci
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/100
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 211-218 File size 592 KB
DOI 10.3280/QUA2013-100009
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The A. underline that Brazil cannot be analyzed or approached in a semplicistic way,because of a wide number of complexities, which can be difficultly managed, especially byforeign, people. Brazil is a very differentiated big Country, on a geographical, anthropological,historic-cultural, social and economical ground: from big Portuguese colony it is nowthe seventh economic power in the world, with a very high potential demand of outboundtourism services, but with special currency’s problems, because of the weakness and instabilityof the Real. Moreover, Brazilian people present particular psychological characteristics,with special reference to the ways to have relationships with persons and things, thatcannot be ignored when someone wishes to make business with them. This affects the tourismtrade, which involves more and more growing international competitors who try to attractthe Brazilian tourists. The Italian tourism operators must assume this trade situation.

Luca Martucci, Riflessioni e consigli utili sul marketing b2b del turismo dal brasile in "QUADERNI DI ECONOMIA DEL LAVORO" 100/2013, pp 211-218, DOI: 10.3280/QUA2013-100009