ideas and discursive practices as tools for local development

Author/s Marina Mastropierro
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2023/3
Language Italian Pages 24 P. 151-174 File size 345 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2023-003009
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In the debate on local development that opened with the entry of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan into the political agenda of Italy, the topic of the future seems to have resurfaced. The territories are called to respond to the requests coming from Europe no longer passively. Existing local institutional structures are often unable to provide visions to boost growth. It is in this fragility, found in a field study in the province of Avellino, that new potential for local development is identified. Through the paradigm of “discursive institutionalism” we want to highlight the substantial contribution that emerging ideas and discursive interactions can make to the socioeconomic development of territories and their institutional renewal, with the aim of broadening the spectrum of tools and possibilities available for public action.

Keywords: Local Development, Discursive Interactions, Ideas, Institutions, Institutional Renewal, Social Actors

Jel codes: A14

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Marina Mastropierro, Idee e pratiche discorsive come strumenti di sviluppo locale in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 3/2023, pp 151-174, DOI: 10.3280/ES2023-003009