German refugees in post-World War Two Germany

Author/s Andrea D'Onofrio
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/93
Language Italian Pages 26 P. 41-66 File size 195 KB
DOI 10.3280/PASS2014-093003
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At the end of World War Two, Central and Eastern Europe were subject to a huge process of ethnic homogenization. A forced exodus of millions of people redefined the national characteristics of the Central-European States in the post-war period. The German populations from the Eastern territories of pre-Nazi Germany and the German minorities from the Central and South-Eastern European states were the most affected by this tragic destiny, with 14 million expelled and almost 2 million dead. The integration of Eastern Germans into their new homeland was difficult and tortuous. Key words: German refugees, Post-war Germany (1945-1960), Public memory, Forced population transfers

Keywords: Profughi tedeschi, Germania post-bellica (1945-1960), Memoria pubblica, Trasferimenti forzati di popolazione

  • Il lavoro come strumento di integrazione. Profughi e rifugiati tedeschi in Germania Occidentale durante la ricostruzione Roberto Sala, in SOCIETÀ E STORIA 156/2017 pp.321
    DOI: 10.3280/SS2017-156004

Andrea D'Onofrio, I profughi tedeschi nella Germania del secondo dopoguerra in "PASSATO E PRESENTE" 93/2014, pp 41-66, DOI: 10.3280/PASS2014-093003