La costruzione dei manicomi nella provincia di Torino: il ruolo degli Uffici tecnici provinciali, 1904-1939

Journal title STORIA URBANA
Author/s Massimo Moraglio
Publishing Year 1 Issue 2000/92
Language Italian Pages 22 P. File size 388 KB
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Leaving aside any considerations of the repressive role of mental hospitals in general, this essay focuses on the role played by the technical department of the provincial government of Turin in the construction of psychiatric hospitals from 1904 to1939. The study shows not only how the engineers in charge of the technical department were able to supervise the design and construction of extensive hospital complexes but also how they played an essentially political role in interceding with powerful health care institutions, involving them in the hospital building programmes. What emerges is a confusion of responsibilities, in which the technical department was by no means a passive bureaucratic executer of external directives but rather played a decisive role in defining the political strategies of the provincial authority.

Massimo Moraglio, La costruzione dei manicomi nella provincia di Torino: il ruolo degli Uffici tecnici provinciali, 1904-1939 in "STORIA URBANA " 92/2000, pp , DOI: