Il controllo direzionale nei pubblici uffici: l'importanza della funzione statistica

Journal title ARGOMENTI
Author/s Antonio Cortese
Publishing Year 2002 Issue 2002/4
Language Italian Pages 15 P. File size 161 KB
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Il controllo direzionale nei pubblici uffici: l'importanza della funzione statistica (di Antonio Cortese) - The question of the inefficiency of our public administration has been an issue dealt with for a long time now. General opinion agrees in pointing out the need to focus the attention on the users and the goals to be achieved rather than the procedures and inputs. Hence, planning and control of the public administration should be the key actions towards success. Once the modern monitoring system has been defined, the aim of this paper is to stress the importance that the help of the statistical function can supply, especially concerning the smooth realization of the management and the evaluation of the results obtained.

Antonio Cortese, Il controllo direzionale nei pubblici uffici: l'importanza della funzione statistica in "ARGOMENTI" 4/2002, pp , DOI: