Il dibattito sui diritti umani in India

Author/s Clelia Bartoli
Publishing Year 2003 Issue 2003/16
Language Italian Pages 16 P. File size 66 KB
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A lively debate has arisen in the last twenty years inside the countries which experienced colonialism. The main point of the discussion is that decolonization did not end with the achievement of political independence. A subtler, but not less intruding colonization persists and it’s growing. So many solutions have been elaborated in order to manage the cultural marginalization of the ex-colonies. The author discusses the well-known Indian contribution to the debate on universal values. This contribution eludes some of the most interesting parts of the Indian history, it neglects the dissonant voices, and it excuses aged believes and institutions despite their obvious dangerousness for the safety of the fundamental human rights.

Clelia Bartoli, Il dibattito sui diritti umani in India in "SOCIETÀ DEGLI INDIVIDUI (LA)" 16/2003, pp , DOI: