Contingenza ed extragiuridicità del diritto. Problemi giuridici del potere costituente e della responsabilità oggettiva

Author/s Domenico Tosini
Publishing Year 2004 Issue 2003/3
Language Italian Pages 26 P. File size 171 KB
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The doctrine of constituent power and its repercussions on modern constitutionalism on the one hand and on the theory and applications of modern objective responsibility on the other are two legal elaborations sharing the presence of certain elements that destabilise the legal system. The hypothesis that this research intends to demonstrate is that it is in the nature of modern society, whenever it insists that all its structures be taken as contingent, to generate friction with the function of law.

Domenico Tosini, Contingenza ed extragiuridicità del diritto. Problemi giuridici del potere costituente e della responsabilità oggettiva in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 3/2003, pp , DOI: