Lex mercatoria in the mirror of empirical research

Author/s Wioletta Konradi, Héctor Fix-Fierro
Publishing Year 2005 Issue 2005/2-3
Language English Pages 23 P. File size 99 KB
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<i>The Lex Mercatoria in the Mirror of Empirical Research </i> (di Wioletta Konradi, Héctor Fix-Fierro) - ABSTRACT- A socio-legal perspective, both theoretical and empirical, has an essential contribution to make to the debate on the lex mercatoria. It is a discussion that goes beyond a limited area of the law, since it has broader implications with respect to the nature and function of law in the context of globalisation. This paper presents an overview of empirical research into the lex mercatoria. Existing studies, however, are still too scarce to be capable of providing a complete or coherent picture. Considering that the global economy is organised around sectors and networks, the paper proposes to select branches of trade or industries as objects of empirical study. This approach focuses on the processes of norm creation and the mechanisms for the stabilisation of expectations within particular social systems, as well as on the structural consequences of this type of self-regulation for both global law and national legal systems.

Wioletta Konradi, Héctor Fix-Fierro, Lex mercatoria in the mirror of empirical research in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 2-3/2005, pp , DOI: