Università ponte tra scienza e società? Percorsi critici: educazione e divulgazione

Author/s Elena Camino, Vincenzo Guarnieri, Massimo Battaglia
Publishing Year 2007 Issue 2007/1
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 117-133 File size 698 KB
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The Authors are members of an University group working on trans-disciplinary approach to sustainability. Such position allows them to reflect on the role that the University plays as a bridge between academic knowledge and civil society. The Authors argue that an epistemological paradigm change is occurring, and the idea of science as offering certain and objective facts about the external world is slowly being questioned and replaced with the idea that a multiplicity of legitimate interpretations is a more effective way in coping with the complexity of the natural systems in which we are embedded. As the University trains both science communicators and school teachers, who play a crucial role in promoting the ideas that people develop about the nature of science, the Authors suggest that teachers’ training and transdisciplinary research are two feasible ways for evading the risk of an academic, auto-referential and crystallized knowledge.

Elena Camino, Vincenzo Guarnieri, Massimo Battaglia, Università ponte tra scienza e società? Percorsi critici: educazione e divulgazione in "CULTURE DELLA SOSTENIBILITA '" 1/2007, pp 117-133, DOI: