Il caso di Marco. Quando un evento luttuoso assume una valenza traumatica

Author/s Giovanna Morganti
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2007/2
Language Italian Pages 3 P. 132-134 File size 404 KB
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Following a cognitive-evolutive point of view, the Author analyzes the case utilizing the Interpersonal Motivational Systems, expecially the attachment system. Referring to the infant-parent therapy, some concept are pointed out to show the importance of a secure therapeutic relationship between the therapist and the parents that allows them to reflect upon their disfunctional behaviours. Key Words: Trauma; Attachment; Infant-Parent Psychotherapy.

Giovanna Morganti, Il caso di Marco. Quando un evento luttuoso assume una valenza traumatica in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 2/2007, pp 132-134, DOI: