Author/s Paolo Mariani
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2007/2
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 115-133 File size 208 KB
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Labour market, private firms and public employment services: a proposal to connect actors in labour market Objectives (by Paolo Mariani) - The aim of this paper is to integrate different sources of information for studying the labour demand and labour supply at the local level. On the side of the labour force, detailed information about job ‘seekers’ qualifications are derived from the Job Centres, which represent an administrative source. In what it concerns the labour demand, the attention is focused on the Excelsior Survey to investigate on detailed level the qualifications required by firms. Methods and Results After a brief introduction to the problems of integrating different sources, this paper is focused on the description of the features of the sources taken into account, in order to underline the advantages and disadvantages of their related use. Furthermore a new mismatch index is proposed to measure the degree of heterogeneity in the labour market. Conclusions As a result, conclusions can be made about qualification surplus or shortage in the local labour market.
Paolo Mariani, Mercato del lavoro, imprese private e servizi pubblici per l'impiego: una proposta per far "dialogare" domanda e offerta in "RIVISTA DI ECONOMIA E STATISTICA DEL TERRITORIO" 2/2007, pp 115-133, DOI: