Journal title GRUPPI
Author/s Jorge Burmeister
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2007/3
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 11-28 File size 226 KB
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Culture is reaffirmed by its members continuously mirroring automatically its content and its evidence of sense. The Theory of the real conflict between groups states a natural tendency to develop competition and rivalry between different groups to gain real (important) goods. If the exit of this conflict is a traumatic event and circumstances do not allow members of the affected group to work through their humiliation and the corresponding rage, mourn their losses, and turn their helplessness into mastery, then a sense of shared victimization occurs within the traumatized large group.The healing aspect of group work is the creation of a transitional space able to receive, tolerate, elaborate and restitute. This possibility can be constructed on the basis of symbolic transformation, resonance and of the dimension of a unique identity. The large group specifically stimulates in a specific way the deep level of collective experiences and identity, because it incubes the frame of conflicts and challenges in multi-cultural groups. Keys words: trauma, transculture, large group.
Jorge Burmeister, "Trauma e cultura" Modelli di lavoro per gruppi transculturali in "GRUPPI" 3/2007, pp 11-28, DOI: