Un caso clinico esemplare del modello cognitivo-evoluzionista integrato

Author/s Maria Giuseppina Mantione, Alessandra Muscetta
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2008/1
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 123-131 File size 103 KB
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A fine clinical case of the integrative cognitive-evolutionary perspective Combined treatment (individual psychotherapy and family therapy) at the moment seems to be best clinical approach in the treatment of severe psychiatric diseases. A theoretical cognitive-evolutionary view is the general framework in wich the Authors present the Multimotivational theory, wich allowed them to put togheter clinical aspect, the history of the family and some difficulties of the therapeutic relationship, starting from a stalemale situation. Key Words: Borderline Disorders, Multimotivational Theory, Cognitive- Evolutionary Perspectiv

Maria Giuseppina Mantione, Alessandra Muscetta, Un caso clinico esemplare del modello cognitivo-evoluzionista integrato in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 1/2008, pp 123-131, DOI: