Tre fiumi nello stesso mare: la relazione che cura. Bateson nella psicoterapia whitakeriana ed ericksoniana

Author/s Sponti Wilma Trasarti, Anna Maria Rapone, Alessandro Sevi
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2008/27
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 17-33 File size 316 KB
DOI 10.3280/PR2008-027002
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Tre fiumi nello stesso mare: la relazione che cura. Bateson nella psicoterapia whitakeriana ed ericksoniana - This paper puts into evidence how the works of Gregory Bateson (epistemologis,) Carl Whitaker (experiential-symbolical family therapist) and Milton Erickson (hypnotherapist) can be considered as main streams going in the same direction, thus completing themselves and enriching one another. The paper makes then a comparison of the ideas of the three Masters, utilizing mostly their original scripts, to demonstrate that their ideas con be considered congruent parts of the same story. Under this perspective Erickson and Whitaker in the microcosm of therapy room and in the process of therapeutic relationship are experientially utilizing the ecology of connecting structure typical of batesonian theory. The paper, divided into sections puts into evidence the connecting structure , the joining of patient and therapist; the unconscious;, the resources and resistances during psychotherapy, to finally land to the land of mystery, of sacred, and of change. The paper put into evidence also the similarity the three Masters have about teaching to students. Key words: change, circularity, experiential, hypnosis, mirror neurons, observation, resistance, therapeutic relationship.

Sponti Wilma Trasarti, Anna Maria Rapone, Alessandro Sevi, Tre fiumi nello stesso mare: la relazione che cura. Bateson nella psicoterapia whitakeriana ed ericksoniana in "RIVISTA DI PSICOTERAPIA RELAZIONALE " 27/2008, pp 17-33, DOI: 10.3280/PR2008-027002