Common Frameworks for Regional Competitiveness: Insights from a Number of Local Knowledge Economies

Author/s Maria Sole Brioschi, Lucio Cassia, Alessandra Colombelli
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/2
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 19-43 File size 144 KB
DOI 10.3280/SCRE2009-002002
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Common Frameworks for Regional Competitiveness: Insights from a Number of Local Knowledge Economies - In this paper we analyse the innovative capacity of the most productive and most industrialised Italian regions by comparing them with a set of European regions that in the past two decades followed an industrial restructuring path towards knowledgebased sectors, doing so via the formation of a Regional Innovation System. Even though the European benchmarking regions now specialise in high-tech sectors and are characterised by high innovative activity, they share an industrial past based on heavy and traditional industries. In this respect, the two groups of regions are not so different in nature, and comparing them yields strategic insights for the Italian regional transformation process and suggests interesting local policy implications.

Keywords: Knowledge economies, regional development, regional innovation systems.

Parole chiave: economie della conoscenza, sviluppo regionale, sistemi regionali d’innovazione

JEL classification: R11, R58.

Maria Sole Brioschi, Lucio Cassia, Alessandra Colombelli, Common Frameworks for Regional Competitiveness: Insights from a Number of Local Knowledge Economies in "SCIENZE REGIONALI " 2/2009, pp 19-43, DOI: 10.3280/SCRE2009-002002