Il lavoro "abilitante": l’inserimento lavorativo delle persone con disabilità in Italia

Author/s Giovanni Giulio Valtolina
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/117
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 134-146 File size 350 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2010-117010
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The "abiliting" job: job placement of disabled people in Italy - Despite Italy has been awarded as a country which chose, since a long time, social inclusion paradigm for disabled people and which made a specific law for their job placement, some paces ahead still have to be done. After presenting the specific features of the law 68/1999, which introduced the concept of "aimed" job placement, that means placement in a job truly suitable for a disabled worker, it is highlighted the process of vocational guidance for disabled students and the essential deeds to support them, because having a job suitable to expectations and abilities is an undeniable criterion to evaluate the treatment efficacy, implemented in different way in different contexts.

Keywords: Disability, vocational guidance, social inclusion, right to work, job placement, italian law

Giovanni Giulio Valtolina, Il lavoro "abilitante": l’inserimento lavorativo delle persone con disabilità in Italia in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 117/2010, pp 134-146, DOI: 10.3280/SL2010-117010