Quality of life and coping strategies in adolescents with Eating Disorders

Author/s Federica Pierini, Paola Gremigni, Paola Gualandi, Emilio Franzoni, Bitti Pio Enrico Ricci
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/1
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 71-87 File size 573 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSD2010-001004
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Introduction: Patients with Eating Disorders (ED) show a reduced health related quality of life (HRQoL). Studies on coping show that women with ED tend to use avoidant strategies more than controls, but very few studies investigate the impact of coping on HRQoL in adolescents with ED, therefore this study was aimed at investigating this relationship. Methods: Thirty females aged 12-18 (average age 15.52± 1.70 years) with ED (Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa), treated in outpatient ambulatory care or inpatient intensive hospital care, completed questionnaires on ED symptoms, coping styles, and HRQoL. Results: Patients do not significantly differ in coping and HRQoL in relation to outpatient/ inpatient treatment, therefore the two initial groups were taken altogether. Regression analyses showed that coping strategies focusing on acceptance and reinterpretation of stressful events and poor research of social support are associated with impeded HRQoL. Discussion: Results underline an important role of coping as related to HRQoL in adolescents with ED, and suggest the usefulness of coping skills training as a specific component of treatment with these patients.

Keywords: Quality of life, coping, eating disorders, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa

Federica Pierini, Paola Gremigni, Paola Gualandi, Emilio Franzoni, Bitti Pio Enrico Ricci, Qualità di vita e strategie di coping in adolescenti con Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 1/2010, pp 71-87, DOI: 10.3280/PSD2010-001004