Foreign Immigrants in the urban space. A research on the distribution and local concentration of immigrant students in the schools of Milan

Author/s Barbara Borlini, Francesco Memo
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2009/90
Language Italian Pages 24 P. 89-112 File size 865 KB
DOI 10.3280/SUR2009-090006
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The number of school children with an immigrant background has increased steadily during the past decade, changing the ethnic composition of Milan primary and secondary schools. The article deals with school segregation in Milan, exploring some driving-forces behind this phenomenon (residential segregation; demographic gap between Italians and immigrants; role of parental strategies in order to ensure the reproduction of class advantages for their children) and suggesting low residential segregation does not necessarily translate into moderate school segregation. Immigrant students are not distributed equally among the city and schools with very different percentages of immigrant pupils are sometimes located only a short distance.

Keywords: Immigration, urban segregation, school, middle classes, Milan.

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Barbara Borlini, Francesco Memo, L'insediamento degli immigrati nello spazio urbano. Un'analisi esplorativa sulla concentrazione degli alunni di origine straniera a Milano in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 90/2009, pp 89-112, DOI: 10.3280/SUR2009-090006