Cap Between First and Second Pillars: Looking into EU Spending on Agriculture

Journal title QA Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria
Author/s Fabrizio De Filippis, Roberto Henke
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/3
Language Italian Pages 32 P. 23-54 File size 147 KB
DOI 10.3280/QU2010-003002
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In this paper we offer some reflections on the Cap reform process, starting from analysis of the objectives and the solidity of its two financial pillars. In the first part of the paper agricultural expenditure is re-classified on the basis of major Cap intervention typologies, showing how a process of de-specialisation and overlapping of measures between the two pillars is at work. In the second part various financial resource allocation criteria are analysed in the light of the weight attributed to different combinations of five macro-variables: direct payments, disadvantaged area allowances, agricultural area, environmental measures, sector modernisation measures. More in general, the paper sheds light on the necessity to review the two-pillar structure of the Cap and revise its objectives and tools in order to make it more sustainable and more equitable in the long run.

Keywords: Community budget, Cap reform, Direct payments, Rural development, New member states, Public goods

Jel codes: Q180, H410

  • The efficiency of agricultural spending in Italy: A territorial analysis Assunta Amato, Tatiana Castellotti, Giulia Diglio, Maria Assunta D'Oronzio, Franco Gaudio, Mariacarmela Suanno, in Economia agro-alimentare 2/2023 pp.69
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Fabrizio De Filippis, Roberto Henke, La Pac tra primo e secondo pilastro: una lettura della spesa agricola dell’UE in "QA Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria" 3/2010, pp 23-54, DOI: 10.3280/QU2010-003002