e-Care as a Tool of Clinical Governace

Journal title SALUTE E SOCIETÀ
Author/s Fausto Marchetta, Sabrina Raspanti
Publishing Year 2007 Issue 2007/2 Supp
Language Italian Pages 6 P. 80-85 File size 264 KB
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In the health care system inefficency is a consequence of a low degree of integration between theory (scientific evidences) and clinical practice; of a low intensity of communication and of an insufficient collaboration among professionals. Moreover, the high number of top/down models of organization instead of network-models plays also a role in lowering efficiency. The e-Care network model might stimulate an increase in participation among professionals. In health care, e-Clinical Governance is the technological infrastructure that can improve the diffusion of information, the "intensification" of communication and the development of interactions.

Fausto Marchetta, Sabrina Raspanti, e-Care come strumento della Clinical Governance in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 2 Supp/2007, pp 80-85, DOI: