Lifelong Learning and Work Quality: Two Approaches for Coping with Demographic Change

Author/s Werner Pramstrahler
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/125
Language English Pages 14 P. 73-86 File size 263 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2012-125005
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In the world of work, demographic change is one of today’s biggest challenges. The necessary raising of the retirement age can be effected in a socially acceptable way only by boosting the quality of work for all the workers. A look at the countries of Scandinavia shows that two aspects are of special importance: the involvement of workers in lifelong learning and the organization and planning of work, so as to provide workers with more autonomy and sense of responsibility in performing their tasks. Against the increasing commodification of work within companies, and in the perspective of the increase in the indirect forms of monitoring work outputs, the provision of greater autonomy level and responsibility becomes ambivalent. As a result, forms of participation are needed to make the workplace environment, the work organization, the company and the area of health management and promotion accessible to democratic discussion.

Keywords: Lifelong learning, work quality, work organization, participation, Scandinavian models

Werner Pramstrahler, Lifelong Learning and Work Quality: Two Approaches for Coping with Demographic Change in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 125/2012, pp 73-86, DOI: 10.3280/SL2012-125005