Louis Khan. Search for Order

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Andrea Di Franco
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/60
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 120-128 File size 597 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2012-060022
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The famous phrase ‘Order is’, reveals a conception of order that is relative to a path of research, rather than to a defi nition of absolutes. Kahn’s order could be identifi ed with the unfolding of his experience, with the unwinding of his constantly dialectic compositions, structurally antinomic, consisting of drawings, materials and words: ‘order and design’, ‘order and form’, ‘not measurable and measurable’, symmetry and asymmetry, centred and fragmented, ‘silence and light’, nucleus and envelope, memory and a-temporality. Although all completely different one from another, his works are unequivocally parts of a single grand project which unfolds and comprises every experience and every substance to the point of implicating himself and his private sphere, so fatally absorbed by the superior order of his architectural research.

Keywords: Kahn; order; research process

Andrea Di Franco, Louis Khan. La ricerca dell’Ordine in "TERRITORIO" 60/2012, pp 120-128, DOI: 10.3280/TR2012-060022