Punto e a capo, for an ethical conception of helping relationships

Author/s A cura di Sergio Erba, Lorena Monaco
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/120
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 89-96 File size 301 KB
DOI 10.3280/RT2012-120010
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There is a permanent debate among the readers of the journal, where in real time, thanks to electronic mail, the participants exchange opinions on everything that has to do with practice and training (clinical scenarios, comments, criticism, reflection). The maximum space consented for each contribution is one page of 52 lines font n.12. The material presented in this section has been accumulated in the previous four months.

A cura di Sergio Erba, Lorena Monaco, Punto e a capo. Per una concezione etica delle relazioni d’aiuto in "RUOLO TERAPEUTICO (IL)" 120/2012, pp 89-96, DOI: 10.3280/RT2012-120010