The truth of law. Comments in the margins of a story by Friedrich Durrenmatt

Author/s Luigi Pannarale
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/1
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 159-174 File size 226 KB
DOI 10.3280/SD2013-001012
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In what cases and under what conditions can legal truth be said to coincide with the truth pure and simple? By analysing a famous story by Friedrich Dürrenmatt (Die Panne, in English: A Dangerous Game), the author sets out to investigate this question, in his turn playing on the paradoxes and the metaphors that always abound in the Swiss writer’s tales. The approach adopted by the article then expands to look at other literary sources where the same issue is tackled, reaching the conclusion that, if law is to be able to achieve the Truth, it must have the freedom to wander at will and investigate the many different dimensions of life, expanding its horizons, otherwise it will continue to do no more than build on its own particular brand of truth, which is always susceptible to contradiction from other points of view. The underlying conclusion arrived at by the author is that justice, as a product of the truth, is possible on earth, but it arrives in the most unexpected of ways and at the least predictable of times and takes the most dubious and ambiguous of forms, so as to constitute in itself a Dangerous Game.

Keywords: Truth, Law and literature, Paradoxes, Dürrenmatt

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Luigi Pannarale, La verità del diritto. Riflessioni a margine di un racconto di Friedrich Durrenmatt in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 1/2013, pp 159-174, DOI: 10.3280/SD2013-001012