L’udito fine dello storico. Eric Hobsbawm tra Marx e Gramsci

Author/s Paolo Favilli
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/11
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 94-104 File size 126 KB
DOI 10.3280/HM2013-011009
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Eric Hobsbawm's long journey through history shows clear signs of a particular inner consistency. Since the beginning of the fifties until his last papers of 2011, Hobsbawm has ridden, as a main character, the long vicissitude of half century of historiography. A very long time, a time in which there were lots of epistemological changes, which seemingly led to deep divisions. In this essay we study the analytical tools Hobsbawm used. We point out the reasons why those tools manage to keep an high value of knowledge, regardless of any historiographical trend.

Keywords: Eric Hobsbawm, history of the working class, historiography, Karl Marx, historical materialism.

Paolo Favilli, L’udito fine dello storico. Eric Hobsbawm tra Marx e Gramsci in "HISTORIA MAGISTRA" 11/2013, pp 94-104, DOI: 10.3280/HM2013-011009