Trajectories of public engagement: outreach projects in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Francisco Comaru, Ricardo Moretti
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/66
Language English Pages 5 P. 33-37 File size 266 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2013-066006
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Numerous examples of co-operation between universities, social movements and associations for the right to housing emerged in the São Paulo urban region in the 80s and 90s, which then became firmly established as part of the increasingly larger and more organised Extensão Universitária programmes. This paper gives a survey of the state of progress achieved by Extensão’s activities in Brazil starting with a reconstruction of some of these initiatives and the motives behind them. The paper therefore discusses the process of institutional consolidation which these initiatives are undergoing today and takes as an example the Universidade Federale do Abc’s ‘public commitment’ programme and in particular the Youth and Adult Education Project developed by Ufabc in 2012.

Keywords: Sao Paulo; city-university; didactis

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Francisco Comaru, Ricardo Moretti, Trajectories of public engagement: outreach projects in Sao Paulo, Brazil in "TERRITORIO" 66/2013, pp 33-37, DOI: 10.3280/TR2013-066006