Limbiate: from the undifferentiated conditions of the ‘corea’ to the discovery of new centres,

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Pier Luigi Paolillo
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/66
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 81-91 File size 1010 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2013-066017
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The ‘corea’ of Limbiate was a self built-entity, with no plan, that arose in the post-war years and housed 9,000 immigrants in structures which over the years became part of the urban fabric to the extent that today it is difficult to distinguish them from the rest of the urban build. It was an anticipation of the unbounded ‘corea’ of the Brianza today where you almost never see elements of discontinuity between the towns and villages and the particular features of municipalities have been obliterated by the amoeba like configuration of the Lombard uplands. However, are they still the ‘coree’, the same undifferentiated magma of 60 years ago, or can the plan trace the new latent ‘centres’? Even if here the process of diffusion has standardised the blocks of buildings eliminating the infrastructural hierarchy and the clearly discernible centralities, tools like ‘network community’, ‘space syntax’ and ‘multiple centrality assessment’ can nevertheless assist.

Keywords: Diffusion process; new centralities; configuration analysis

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  • Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015 Pier Luigi Paolillo, Umberto Baresi, pp.440 (ISBN:978-3-319-21469-6)
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Pier Luigi Paolillo, Limbiate: dalla condizione indifferenziata di «corea» alla scoperta delle nuove centralità in "TERRITORIO" 66/2013, pp 81-91, DOI: 10.3280/TR2013-066017