The different roles of some ethical derogations

Author/s Pelloni Fernando M. Machado
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/2
Language Spanish Pages 34 P. 67-100 File size 413 KB
DOI 10.3280/PACO2013-002004
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The Law is used to maintain power on behalf of an elite: this is the reason why the Criminal Law is one of the basis of our society. Indeed, a political community should protect a behaviour contrasting the Law, when it is suggested by an ethic conviction. The essay illustrates why civil disobedience is not a crime but, on the contrary, it represents a strengthening of democracy.

Keywords: Law, Crime, Democracy, Ethics, Derogation

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Pelloni Fernando M. Machado, La distinta relevancia de algunas eximentes morales in "PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO" 2/2013, pp 67-100, DOI: 10.3280/PACO2013-002004