Ethical reflections of health promotion in the field of nursing science: focusing on individual health choices

Journal title SALUTE E SOCIETÀ
Author/s Mari Kangasniemi, Anna-Maija Pietila
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2013/3En
Language English Pages 18 P. 82-99 File size 654 KB
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Current discussion of health promotion is based on multidisciplinary understanding, where values as equity, participation and empowerment are focused. Health promotion can be seen as a combination of research and development, challenging also nursing science as a discipline. Despite to multileveled and societal action, the core issues in health promotion are related on the individual health choices. In this paper, individual health choices will be focused within the field of nursing science. The aim is to deepen the vision of health promotion, health choices in particular, in the field of nursing science. Health choices refer to the person’s decision or act on everyday life, and they have direct or indirect connection to health and health consequences. They are also performed within every individual context of person’s life and as in this article will be approached, impacted of the combination of person’s intersectional features. Nursing science is challenged to take account on research but also in practice individual health choices as a key factor to promote health equity and holistic understanding of human dignity.

Keywords: Ethics, health choices, health promotion, intersectionality, nursing science, global health issues.

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Mari Kangasniemi, Anna-Maija Pietila, Ethical reflections of health promotion in the field of nursing science: focusing on individual health choices in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 3En/2013, pp 82-99, DOI: