In On the Path to Modernity: F. Suárez’s

Author/s Miquel Segurò
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/1
Language Italian Pages 26 P. 57-82 File size 603 KB
DOI 10.3280/SF2014-001003
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Disputatio XXIX the Author focuses on the Disputatio XXIX because he finds in its development an anticipation of Modern onto(theo)logical thinking, especially in its most characteristic aspect: the explicitness of the subject as a ruler of thinking and feeling. The dividing up of the history of philosophy seen as a progressive and gradual development is a restrictive and inexact a priori and then becomes increasingly obsolete. Thus, Modernity need not be seen as a "superior" stage in relation to its predecessors, but as a product of their different issues and approaches. After looking at the Disputatio, the Author concentrates in the second part of the paper on the central role of the reductio conceptui entis and its echo of the quaestio metaphysica in terms of the problem of analogy (entis vs. fidei) and the assumption of the heuristic value exemplified by the concept of God.

Keywords: Subject, transcendentalism, concept, subject, God, being

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Miquel Segurò, On the path to modernity. Francisco suárez’s disputatio XXIX in "RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA" 1/2014, pp 57-82, DOI: 10.3280/SF2014-001003