Unlimited Production, the End of Labour and the Personal Property Crisis in the Ruled by the "Too Big to Fail" Society

Journal title PARADIGMI
Author/s Claudio Tuozzolo
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/1
Language Italian Pages 24 P. 51-74 File size 543 KB
DOI 10.3280/PARA2014-001004
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Today it is useful to develop a «comparative economic sociology» (as the one outlined by the young B. Croce) toexamine ‘the destiny of man’. In contemporary society the «living labour», commodifying itself, is more and more turning into a simple mean of pure profit. But labour commodification is but one of the aspects of commodification of all the values. Due to the global commodification the two most typical ‘bourgeois’ values, labour and property, fall into crisis in the globalized society dominated by the "impersonal wealth", or rather by the financial capital (no more ruled by men, by human entrepreneurs, but by profit functionaries: the managers). The economic policy in the last thirty years favoured the "financial capitalism", in other words "the too big to fail" (L. Gallino), damaging industry, labour and property and favouring the developing of the endless profit and the GDP myth. The moral ideal of the ethics of capitalism is therefore realizing (the profit as unique and last purpose), in other words the "inversion" of the ‘natural’ (that Weber thinks on the basis of the Kantian concept of "perso") is today realizing.

Keywords: Personal property, ethics of financial capitalism, labour, the too big to fail, impersonal wealth

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Claudio Tuozzolo, Produrre infinito, fine del lavoro e crisi della proprietà personale nella società dominata dai "troppo grandi" in "PARADIGMI" 1/2014, pp 51-74, DOI: 10.3280/PARA2014-001004