Assessment of the effectiveness of a psycho-pedagogical and counselling intervention program with Ethiopian young girls who were victims of sexual violence

Author/s Cristina Riva Crugnola, Valentino Ferro, Elena Ierardi, Temesgen Tadele, Alvise Orlandini
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/2
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 81-96 File size 88 KB
DOI 10.3280/MAL2014-002005
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The research, founded by Il Sole Onlus, evaluated the effectiveness of a psychopedagogical support intervention with Ethiopian young girls who were victims of sexual violence. Ethiopian children victims of violence have poor social support, low selfesteem, and intrusive thoughts. 19 girls (mean age 9.7), victims of sexual violence, participated in the intervention program for 12 months. Before starting the program we assessed the girls for PTSD, depressive risk, behavioral problems and sexualized behaviors. The assessment was repeated after 12 months. After one year of intervention anger PTSD symptoms, internalizing and externalizing problems, social problems, depression, thinking problems and aggressive behavior decrease. The effectiveness of the intervention for these girls is demonstrated by the decrease of these problems.

Keywords: Sexual violence, psycho-pedagogical intervention program, Ethiopian young girls, post-traumatic stress disorder, counselling

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Cristina Riva Crugnola, Valentino Ferro, Elena Ierardi, Temesgen Tadele, Alvise Orlandini, Valutazione dell’efficacia di un intervento di supporto psicopedagogico e counselling rivolto a bambine etiopi vittime di violenza sessuale in "MALTRATTAMENTO E ABUSO ALL’INFANZIA" 2/2014, pp 81-96, DOI: 10.3280/MAL2014-002005