Social couponing campaigns’ effectiveness: a study among Groupon’s merchants

Author/s Francesca Magno, Fabiio Cassia, Marta Ugolini
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/3
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 41-63 File size 120 KB
DOI 10.3280/MC2014-003004
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Following the rapid growth of and of the other social couponing web sites, an increasing number of studies have examined the benefits that the customers can derive from this promotional tool. Nonetheless we register a scarcity of studies about the effectiveness of social couponing from the merchants’ perspective, i.e. from the perspective of those companies publishing their offerings on these sites. The purpose of this study is to fill this gap, by investigating the objectives that the merchants intend to achieve through social couponing and their satisfaction with the performance of this tool. Comparisons among merchants belonging to different industries are made, as well. Through a survey on a sample of 157 Italian merchants that have run their coupon campaigns through Groupon, this study shows that social couponing is not perceived as equally effective by all companies.

Keywords: E-commerce, couponing, e-couponing, Groupon, daily deals, merchant.

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  • The perceived effectiveness of social couponing campaigns for hotels in Italy Fabio Cassia, Francesca Magno, Marta Ugolini, in International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management /2015 pp.1598
    DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-02-2014-0090

Francesca Magno, Fabiio Cassia, Marta Ugolini, L’efficacia delle campagne di social couponing: uno studio tra i merchant di Groupon in "MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ" 3/2014, pp 41-63, DOI: 10.3280/MC2014-003004