Author/s González María Luisa Soriano
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2014/2
Language Spanish Pages 23 P. 87-109 File size 84 KB
DOI 10.3280/SD2014-002004
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The aim of this work is to establish a relationship between theory and practice in the field of state opposition strategies to the demands of national minorities who aspire to reach forms of self-government. The strategies adopted by states to counter the demands of minorities can be distinguished in two successive phases: in the recognition of the rights of minorities and then in the efficacy of rights that have already achieved recognition. The article presents and explains all of these strategies with the support of a case study of the indigenous Zapatista communities in the Mexican region of Chiapas, which rebelled against the central government in 1994, calling for political autonomy and respect for its own indigenous law. These communities’ struggle to gain their rights serves as an exemplary case for testing the different and successive strategies of the states’ opposition to the claims of their minorities
Keywords: States and minorities - National minorities - Political autonomy - Political strategies - Indigenous Zapatista revolution
González María Luisa Soriano, El estado y las minorías nacionales. estudio de caso in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 2/2014, pp 87-109, DOI: 10.3280/SD2014-002004