La dimensione spirituale in psicoterapia

Author/s Umberta Telfener
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/107
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 15-36 File size 114 KB
DOI 10.3280/TF2015-107002
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I consider in the article the possibility of another dimension to which to pay attention in the relationship with clients. I propose the spiritual dimension as an aspect which we must at last consider and I hypothesize some operations which enhance its emergence in psychotherapy. This dimension has become essential for me as a point of arrival of my personal journey and it is made possible after a long time of discipline and rigor.

Keywords: Spirituality, clinical practice, epistemological rigor, clinical proceedings

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Umberta Telfener, La dimensione spirituale in psicoterapia in "TERAPIA FAMILIARE" 107/2015, pp 15-36, DOI: 10.3280/TF2015-107002