The cognitive-behavioral training affects on perceived self-efficacy?

Author/s Francesca Mancini, Elisa Battilana, Irene Biondani, Marta Carolo, Elena Carrozzo, Giulia Cazzolli, Alessandra Redolfi, Anna Santoruvo, Francesca Siviero, Chiara Stupiggia
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/36
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 25-39 File size 149 KB
DOI 10.3280/QPC2015-036003
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In the literature it has been studied the sense of self-efficacy among the cognitivebehavioral trainees. Data show how self-efficacy is increased by the positive attitude and the ability of problem-solving, while decreases in students with high levels of neuroticism or students using avoidance strategies. Controversial results have been gathered regarding the effect of drop-out on psychotherapy trainees and about self-efficacy changes in the course of the training. The aim of this study is to investigate self-efficacy in cognitivebehavioral trainees, verifying which variables can affect it significantly. Two studies will be presented. Study 1 aims to verify the possible connection between the number of patients, their diagnostic category and self-efficacy. Study 2 is trying to evaluate the connection between self-efficacy, coping, personality, number and type of patients in a group of students during their training. The results of Study 1 show how self-efficacy is positively related to the number of patients treated and the diagnosis in Axis I (DSM-IV-TR). In addition, the results of the Study 2 on 98 students in the first year of training have confirmed that self-efficacy is increased by the positive attitude and the ability of problem-solving, while it is not influenced by the number of drop-out. In contrast, the number and the type of psychopathology of patients do not appear to be related to the sense of self-efficacy, perhaps because of the small number of patients treated during the first year of training.

Keywords: Self-efficacy, coping, personality, patients, diagnosis, training

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Francesca Mancini, Elisa Battilana, Irene Biondani, Marta Carolo, Elena Carrozzo, Giulia Cazzolli, Alessandra Redolfi, Anna Santoruvo, Francesca Siviero, Chiara Stupiggia, La formazione cognitivo-comportamentale influisce sulla percezione di autoefficacia? in "QUADERNI DI PSICOTERAPIA COGNITIVA" 36/2015, pp 25-39, DOI: 10.3280/QPC2015-036003