Conflict in friendship and romantic relationships in adolescents and young adults: what relation with psychological well-being and depression?

Author/s Emanuela Calandri, Emanuela Bina, Debora Bessone, Manuela Brero, Elena Cattelino
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/3
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 461-483 File size 244 KB
DOI 10.3280/RIP2015-003002
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The study was aimed to investigate the role of conflict in both close friendships and romantic relationships on psychological wellbeing and depression in adolescents and young adults. In particular, the study analyzed the joint role of the conflict in the two kinds of relationships on the well-being and depression, and investigated the possible role of moderating effect of the conflict done by other dimensions of friendship and romantic relation. The participants (N = 193) from 16 to 22 years old, involved in both close friendships and romantic relationships, answered anonymously to a self-report questionnaire including measures assessing conflict and other dimensions of close relationships (friendships and romantic relationships), cognitive and affective wellbeing (satisfaction for life and optimism, emotional balance between positive and negative affects) and depression. More conflicts in romantic relationships than in intimate friendships were found. The results showed a greater role of conflict on psychological wellbeing in romantic relationships than in friendships. Closeness in romantic relationships moderated the effect of conflict on depression.

Keywords: Conflict, adolescence, close peer relationships, depression, psychological well-being.

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Emanuela Calandri, Emanuela Bina, Debora Bessone, Manuela Brero, Elena Cattelino, Il conflitto nelle relazioni amicali e sentimentali in adolescenza e in età giovane adulta: quale relazione con il benessere psicologico e la depressione? in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA " 3/2015, pp 461-483, DOI: 10.3280/RIP2015-003002