The crisis in the health sector: the voice of nurses. How to get out of a critical situation?

Author/s Sabrina Spagnuolo, Serenella Stasi
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/142
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 80-97 File size 158 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2016-142005
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The Italian health care system is currently in a state of transformation and difficulties, due to the increase in the number of users and performance requirements. Moreover, there is a simultaneous and progressive reduction of the available resources, due to the need to limit government spending. The cuts in public spending have significantly affected the health workers context, and in particular had an impact both on the recruitment rates, and the contractual conditions of the nurses. Indeed, the policies of spending review affect directly and indirectly the quality of the care services provided, and the life conditions of health workers. The present paper aims to provide an exploratory study on the topic, adopting innovative techniques of analysis of in-depth interviews with nurses and care coordinators employed at the Santa Lucia Foundation in Rome.

Keywords: Outsourcing, quality of care, foundational economy, nurse, health policies, automatic analysis of textual data

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Sabrina Spagnuolo, Serenella Stasi, La crisi del settore sanitario: la voice degli infermieri. Come uscire da una situazione critica? in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 142/2016, pp 80-97, DOI: 10.3280/SL2016-142005