The adoption experience. A secure environment to treat the trauma of a difficult childhood?

Author/s Emanuela Cioccolanti, Micol Franco, Giulio D'Adamo, Antonio Onofri
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/2
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 135-157 File size 141 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSOB2016-002010
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This work offers a reflection on the risk and protective factors that characterize the formation of the parent-child bond in the adoptive context, emphasizing the latter transformative aspects, both individual and relational, that facilitate this process. Starting from the developmental knowledge in an early age of the Internal Working Models of the child, and supported by the data of the latest empirical studies that apply the concepts of Theory of Attachment to a foster context, the Authors question on the possibilities and the ways in which the integration of a baby in a new family context can ensure a rethinking and reorganization of dysfunctional behaviour and relationship patterns, resulting from adverse childhood experiences.

Keywords: Internal Working Models; Adoption; Specific Attachment; Adoptive Parenting; Traumatic Experience; Reflective Function

Emanuela Cioccolanti, Micol Franco, Giulio D'Adamo, Antonio Onofri, L’esperienza adottiva Un contesto sicuro per curare i traumi di una infanzia difficile? in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 2/2016, pp 135-157, DOI: 10.3280/PSOB2016-002010