The observation in day-care as working tool to reflect on educational practice

Author/s Paola Molina
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/3
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 413-421 File size 195 KB
DOI 10.3280/RIP2016-003010
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This paper presents the considerations on the use of observation as a tool for reflection on their professional practice to the teachers of the nursery and childcare services, starting from the experience of training performed using two specific tools designed for the day-cares: the Observation-Projet (Fontaine, 2011) and the Questionario sulla Comunicazione Sociale Precoce (Molina, 2012; Molina and Bulgarelli, 2012). In both cases, it will stress the importance of observation for child care professional to reflect on their work, and the results will be discussed in relation to the training intervention effectiveness and the conditions for a fruitful partnership between research and professional practice.

Keywords: Day-care, observation, reflective pratictioner, QCSP, Observation-Projet

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Paola Molina, L’utilizzo dell’osservazione al nido come strumento di riflessione sulle proprie pratiche di lavoro in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA " 3/2016, pp 413-421, DOI: 10.3280/RIP2016-003010