La contrattazione decentrata per il lavoro e la produttività. Il caso degli accordi aziendali della provincia di Brescia

Author/s Sergio Albertini
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2016/105
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 191-208 File size 186 KB
DOI 10.3280/QUA2016-105010
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This chapter analysis the relationship between the industrial relations at the firm level and the adoption of the high performance work practices. The research hypothesis is that firm agreements - under specific conditions - could have a positive impact both on company productivity and on working conditions. The empirical evidence - based on a dataset of 1,403 contracts registered in the Province of Brescia from 2008 to 2014 shows how the main condition of an effective decentralized bargaining is the concession of internal labour flexibility against a stronger participation in the decision making processes

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Sergio Albertini, La contrattazione decentrata per il lavoro e la produttività. Il caso degli accordi aziendali della provincia di Brescia in "QUADERNI DI ECONOMIA DEL LAVORO" 105/2016, pp 191-208, DOI: 10.3280/QUA2016-105010