Sul reddito di cittadinanza

Author/s Aldo Barba, Massimo Pivetti
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2016/118-119-120
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 9-22 File size 186 KB
DOI 10.3280/STE2016-118002
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We consider two concepts and proposals of basic income which have gained ground over the last few years both in the literature and in the policy debate. According to the one, a living income should be granted to all citizens additionally to any kind of earned income and irrispective of the quantity and quality of work actually performed by them. The other concerns instead low-paid wage earners and aims precisely at encouraging a widespread acceptance of modestly paid jobs. Our attention is focused critically on the latter concept of basic income, while the former is shortly discussed and dismissed as fanciful.

Keywords: Basic income, unemployment, distribution, normal wage, minimum wage, employment policy

Jel codes: D30, E24, H24, J31

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Aldo Barba, Massimo Pivetti, Sul reddito di cittadinanza in "STUDI ECONOMICI " 118-119-120/2016, pp 9-22, DOI: 10.3280/STE2016-118002