Progetto seconda nascita

Author/s Carla Weber
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/29
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 70-80 File size 183 KB
DOI 10.3280/EDS2018-029008
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Second birth project. The psychotherapeutic activity, oriented to the care needs, have to do a good analysis of the basic elements of the pathology that holds the patient hostage. This analysis, according to the perspective of Luigi Pagliarani, should proceed with a less archaeological and more architectural orientation. It should be constantly related to those elements that contain the possibility of evolving the state of disease towards a redefinition of subjective existence, net of those structures which have become from defensive to all-encompassing and totalizing. The issue about the project is included in the evolutionary process of research of the psychic qualities that in psychotherapeutic action can be actualized in new distinctive experiences of oneself and of the other. The desire for the discovery, supported by the basic emotional organizations of research and play, can bear the primary anguishes and the anxieties of the trauma repetition if this emotional field mobilize new experiences of oneself in which to recognize and make communicable as unique and original distinguishes the subjective experience in the complexity of contexts, activated and lived in different relationship levels.

Keywords: Project/tension to exist, need/desire, primary/original, anguish of beauty, fear/love/guilt, ambiguity/conflict.

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Carla Weber, Progetto seconda nascita in "EDUCAZIONE SENTIMENTALE" 29/2018, pp 70-80, DOI: 10.3280/EDS2018-029008