L’histoire animale prend son envol

Author/s Egle Barone Visigalli
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2017/25
Language French Pages 13 P. 110-122 File size 98 KB
DOI 10.3280/HM2017-025008
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In the Anthropocene era, while the expansion of Homo Sapiens has done away with countless species, historians are questioning our relationship with animals over time. The line separating man from the animal begins to appear more and more as an illusion that no scientific study can endorse, even though, in the West at least, we continue to differentiate men from animals by the spirit. Getting to know the history of the men/animals network already means recognizing a common trajectory and an interdependence among living species. But can we speak today of animal history?

Keywords: Animal history, environment, relationship man/Nature, philosophy of nature, ethology, law, anthropology of nature.

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Egle Barone Visigalli, L’histoire animale prend son envol in "HISTORIA MAGISTRA" 25/2017, pp 110-122, DOI: 10.3280/HM2017-025008