Aeronautical product liability insurance and recent development

Author/s Anna Masutti
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2018/23
Language English Pages 24 P. 195-218 File size 195 KB
DOI 10.3280/DT2018-023001
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Insurance is a crucial component of international aviation and, inevitably, it is influenced by the evolution or insertion of new technology. The article offers an analysis of how new technologies applied to aircraft and air transport infrastructure have influenced product liability insurance policies. Indeed, the current allocation of risks and liabilities among the various operators in the aviation sector could be changed by the implementation of the EU Single European Sky programme. Moreover, the improvement of anti-collision devices should increase safety and lead to review of the allocation of risks among the Air Traffic Management stakeholders and consequently change the allocation of responsibility and the relevant insurance obligations. This is what occurred in the recent cases examined in the article

Anna Masutti, Aeronautical product liability insurance and recent development in "RIVISTA ITALIANA DI DIRITTO DEL TURISMO" 23/2018, pp 195-218, DOI: 10.3280/DT2018-023001