The patient is afraid of the analyst. A discussion from the viewpoint of relational psychoanalysis

Author/s Daniela De Robertis
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/2
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 241-260 File size 100 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2019-002003
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Starting from an investigation into the faces of fear within the psychoanalytic session, it is legitimate to think that even the analyst could be the source of important emotional inputs to the patient. Such stimuli may act as microtraumas and derange the analytic work and relationship. In order to explore such a context, two reading devices are used: Sándor Ferenczi’s "confusion of tongues" and Jean Laplanche’s "generalized seduction theory". The parallelism of infant/caregiver and patient/therapist is based on a common feature: the asymmetry of the relationship and the traumatism when this asymmetry is misunderstood and violated. The shapes of this specific psychoanalytic traumatism are explored, and two basic emotions are analyzed: violence and fear. In the consulting room this combination refers to the patient’s fear of the "violence" of analytic interpretations. It is an emotional context where a "violent" analyst and a fearful patient can have symmetrical roles and give origin to "victim/perpetrator" scripts. In the second part of the paper some "safety measures" and thoughts to limit these risks are suggested. The deterrent effects are based on a more complex look and on a more extensive relational use of interpretative "devices". The importance of interpretation as a password to enter into unconscious implicit configurations and semantic networks of the patient’s narratives is discussed. Nevertheless it is essential to contextualize the interpretation to the patient’s characteristics and to the therapeutic situation and process.

Keywords: Interpretation; Psychoanalytic traumatism; Analiyst violence; Ferenczi; Laplanche

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Daniela De Robertis, Il paziente ha paura dell’analista. Una discussione dal punto di vista della psicoanalisi relazionale in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 2/2019, pp 241-260, DOI: 10.3280/PU2019-002003